Environment, Disaster Management And Climate Change
- lock Syllabus
- lock Contents
- Concept and Components of Environment
- lock Ecology and Ecosystem
- lock Indian Traditional Knowledge in Environment and Disaster Management
- lock Biodiversity and its Conservation
- lock Sustainable Development
- lock Deforestation, Soil Erosion, Soil Exhaustion and Desertification
- lock Air Pollution
- lock Water Pollution, Disposal of Solid Waste
- lock Ganga Action Plan and Tiger Project
- lock Tehri Dam, Narmada Bachao Andolan
- lock Understanding of Science of Climate Change
- lock Green House Gases and Global Warming
- lock Global Climatic Assessment (IPCC) and National Action Plan on Climate Change
- lock Types of Disasters and Hazards (Disasters, Hazards, Risk, Vulnerability)
- lock Disaster Management and Disaster Management Cycle
- lock Different Types of Disasters (Flood, Drought, Earthquake, Tsunami, Landslide,Chemical and Nuclear Disasters)
- lock Important University Questions